Showing posts with label la mamba negra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label la mamba negra. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mambas: Black & Green

Black Mamba

The African Black Mamba
"Why hello there!"

The Black Mamba is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. Today I learned that the Black Mamba can stand on his tail and raise his body up to 3 meters to attack his victim. He is the longest venomous snake in Africa. He is named for his black mouth.  He is proteroglyphous,  which means it has fixed fangs.  He can move up to 20 km/hr.  He feeds on rats, bats, squirrels, small chickens and bushbabies.  He lives in a variety of areas such as swamps, dense forests, savannas and rocky slopes. One reason he is so deadly is because one bite delivers 100mg of venom and it only takes 10mg to kill a human adult.

La Mamba Negra es una de las serpientes mas venenosas del mundo.  Hoy aprendí que La Mamba Negra puede pararse en su cola hasta 3 metros para atacar a su victima.  Es la serpiente venenosa mas larga en Africa.  Es nombrada por su boca negra.  Es proteroglifus que significa que tiene comillos fijos.  Puede moverse hasta 20 km/hr.  Come ratas, murcielagos, ardillas, pollitos y bushbabies. Vive en una variedad de areas como estanques, bosques densos, savanas y areas rocosas. Una razon por la cual es tan mortal es porque una mordida entrega 100mg de veneno y solo lleva 10mg para matar un adulto humano.            

La Mamba Negra es nombrada por su boca negra

Green Mamba

The arboreal Green Mamba

Today while watching National Geographic Wild, I learned about the Green Mamba.  Before, I only knew about the black one.  The Green Mamba is arboreal, which means he lives in trees.  His green color camouflages him among the leaves.  He only goes down to the ground for water, sun, or prey.  Both species are diurnal meaning they hunt and are active during the day.  Unlike his larger cousin, the Green Mamba is shy and not aggressive.  His diet is like his cousin's but also includes birds and eggs.

Hoy mientras veía National Geographic Wild, aprendí sobre La Mamba Verde.  Antes, solo sabia de La Mamba Negra.  La Mamba Verde es arbóreo que significa que vive en los arboles.  Su color verde lo camuflajea en las hojas  Solo baja para tomar agua y sol o para cazar.  Las dos especies son diurnas porque solo cazan y son activas durante el día.  No es como su prima mas grande, La Mamba Verde es timida y no agresiva.  Su dieta es como su  prima pero incluye pajaros y huevos.  

La Mamba Verde vive en arboles
"Hey!  What´sssssssssss Up?"

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