Showing posts with label jellyfish stings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jellyfish stings. Show all posts

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Box Jellyfish - La Medusa Caja

The Box Jellyfish

The Box Jellyfish

The Box Jellyfish is named for the shape of it's dome.  He is the most complex jellyfish with a partial brain and eyes complete with retinas,  corneas and lenses.  He is designed to be faster in the water, up to 6 meters per minute.  He can be up to 2 kg and his tentacles can grow up to 3 meters.  He is known as the most venomous creatures in the world, however is rarely responsible for human deaths. He is found mainly in the Indo Pacific Ocean but has been found in other areas in the world, such as  California, The Atlantic, Japan and The Mediterranean.

The numbers of the Box Jellyfish rise 7 to 10 days after a full moon when they come to shore to spawn.  Vinegar is the only proven substance to neutralize the sting, however urine, baking soda, boron and hydrogen peroxide are often recommended.  He is also called The Suckerpunch of the Sea because you don't feel him until he stings and he is nearly invisible.

La Medusa Caja

La Medusa Caja es nombrada por la forma de su domo.  Es la medusa mas compleja con un cerebro partial y ojos completos con retinas, corneas y lentes.  Es diseñada para ser mas rapida en el agua hasta 6 metros por minuto.  Puede pesar hasta 2 kg y sus tentaculos pueden crecer hasta 3 metros.  Es conocida como la criatura mas venonosa en el mundo pero raramente es la causa de muertos humanos.  Es encontrada en el Oceano Indo Pacifico pero se ha encontradao en otros areas del mundo como California, El Atlaníco, Japon, y El Mediterraneo.

Los numeros de La Medusa Caja suben de 7 a 10 dias despues una luna llena cuando llegan a la orilla para cruzar.  Vinagre es la unica substancia aprobada para neutrilizar el piquete pero el orina, bicarbonato de soda, boron y agua oxigenada se han recomendado seguido.  Tambien es llamado  el Suckerpunch del Mar porque no lo sientes hasta te pica y es casi invisible.

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